All content provided through this website, inclusive of any associated or affiliated social media or other online content, by New Leaf Physical Therapy and Wellness PLLC is intended for educational and informational purposes only for adults over the age of 18. No material on this website is intended to constitute medical treatment of any kind nor to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Site. The information on this Site is for informational purposes only and does not replace or create a patient-provider relationship. Please contact your physician or qualified healthcare professional to determine if and how the information on this Site pertains to you. Any use of the content on this Site is at your own risk.
Your use of this Site, including for the purpose of communicating with New Leaf Physical Therapy and Wellness PLLC, does not create a clinician/client relationship, nor legal privilege. You should not act upon any information provided on this Site without first seeking individual professional advice.
If you are seeking medical attention, or if you feel that you may be a danger to yourself or others, please call 911 immediately or proceed to any local hospital emergency room.
The words “mother” and “woman” are used throughout my website and content. I want to recognize that not everyone who has experienced pregnancy and childbirth identifies with these terms. My goal is to support ALL individuals on their pregnant and postpartum journey.